Solar Power Plants: An Insight into the Technical FAQs
CleanMax August 15, 2020 | Saturday

How much area is needed for a solar power plant installation?
Typically, a 100 kWp solar power plant could be set up in 1000 sq. metres. So, it is vital to explore alternate means of energy.So, it is vital to explore alternate means of energy.
What are the main components of a solar power system?
Solar modules (panels) and inverters are the main components of a solar power system and they constitute 70% of project cost.How much energy can I generate from a rooftop solar plant?
The amount of energy produced by a solar power system depends on different factors like capacity of the solar plant installed, orientation of the roof, and amount of solar radiation received etc. In India, on an average, a 1MWp plant produces 17.50 lac units per annum. As far as the panels are concerned, they come with different rated specifications such as 300 Wp, 310 Wp etc.Will a rooftop solar power plant installation damage my roof?
Properly installed panels should not cause any damage to your roof. In fact, they add to the aesthetics of the roof. They also tend to protect the roofing materials they cover by shielding them from precipitation, light, and heat. CleanMax does not drill into your rooftop for installing panels. For RCC roofs, concrete blocks are set up on the rooftop and panels are mounted on these blocks. Hence, no drilling is required on the roof. For metallic roofs, rails are set up on the roof before the installation of solar power panels. For simple rooftop solar power, please get in touch with us.Are batteries essential for solar power plants to perform?
Ideally, solar power plants are installed to directly convert the sun’s energy into electricity. Batteries help in storing the energy for later use. But, in general, batteries are costly and require huge maintenance. Thus the usage of Lithium Ion batteries is still not a viable option in India in terms of cost incurred versus benefits accrued. While if we use the lead acid batteries then the purpose of going green gets defeated.These days, most solar plants are grid connected using the net-metering concept, where not only can you generate and use the energy, you could also transfer the excess production to the grid and earn credit. Net metering effectively uses the grid as a huge battery, which helps to balance this demand/supply mismatch.
What are solar “trackers”? Where can they be used?
Solar trackers are the devices which direct solar panels or modules towards the sun. These devices change the module orientation throughout the day to follow the sun’s path to maximise energy radiated over them. It has been observed that trackers increase the efficiency of solar panels by 15-20%. CleanMax has successfully installed trackers for many of its clients.Where in India is solar technology most attractive or has very high solar energy potential?
Although all solar plants in India performs wonderfully in any and every part of the country, the southern and western regions of India are best suited because of the ample amount of sunshine they receive throughout the year.What maintenance is required for a solar power plant?
Solar photovoltaic panels have no moving parts, and therefore require little maintenance, which will include module cleaning with water every 2-4 weeks and preventive electrical maintenance every 3 months.What will be the average life of the solar panels?
The solar panels have a warranty for a period of 25 years. However the projected life is longer.For more information you can reach out to us at Contact Us or write to [email protected].