Wind Solar Hybrid Projects - CleanMax

Everything you want to know about solar energy

Frequently Asked Questions on Wind Solar Hybrid Projects

At CleanMax, our simplified solar energy solutions help build a healthier planet. Here’s a chance to get rid of your apprehensions and take that one step towards doing your bit for a sustainable future. Our Knowledge Hub provides you with in-depth information on how solar works, its O&M and guides you as your enterprise makes the clean energy conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wind Solar Hybrid:

Wind Solar Hybrid (WSH) plants deliver energy from a combination of wind and solar power plants whereas solar and wind open access delivers energy from solar and wind power plants respectively.

Wind Hybrid Plants deliver more energy than standalone solar power plants and wind power plants. Corporates who want continuous and reliable energy for their usage should consider WSH where possible.

Open access charges are applicable to Wind Solar Hybrid power procurement. However certain states have given waivers and incentives specifically to Wind Solar Hybrid plants, which makes it an attractive option.

Depending on your preference, OPEX, group captive or capex model of power procurement, all options are available.